News reader with headline filters

Your news, made better.
Say goodbye to ragebait, clickbait, ads, and algorithms.

AI Summaries or Full Text

Yoptio generates AI summaries for your articles. You have the option to toggle between these summaries and the full text, or you can click through to the original source.

Why filter the news?

Filtering your personal news feed can help you stay focused on the topics that matter most to you, reducing the noise of irrelevant or overwhelming information. By curating content that aligns with your interests and values, you can save time, and avoid the stress of doomscrolling.

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Smart yet Simple

Yoptio is an RSS reader for news junkies who want control over their news feed. Hundreds of news sources, with none of the junk.


Frequently Asked Questions

Don't forget, you can also try Yoptio for free.

At the moment, Yoptio is focused exclusively on RSS text feeds, although feature requests are always welcome.